
The purpose of the first 9 years of this blog was to develop myself as an investor and see if I could generate alpha. As time went by I realized that putting my ideas “out there” had value in itself, it forced me to do my homework more properly, since you would be reading it. Over time going back to the ideas I had written and critically evaluating what went well and what did not, was an incredible feedback loop for improvement. This development journey of course never ends but the journey of documenting it through this blog has. I’m now moving forward with something new, I want to become a Healthcare sector specialist. Just like this journey took time, this will also take a long time, probably another 9 years. I hope I will enjoy it as much as I did my previous 9 years.

This blog will live on sharing my non-Healthcare ideas both long-term holds and more swing trade related ideas.

All my Healthcare related ideas will be shared on my Substack: HealthyStockPicks.com


*** This blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice of any kind. You should also not consider any information from this blog as a recommendation, or an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security referenced. All information from sources are believed to be reliable although its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. All information and opinions are subject to change without notice. Please do your own due diligence before investing. ***