

This is the performance of my portfolio from inception in March 2016 to the end of 2024, so almost 9 full years. This is also the end of the evaluation of my blog stock portfolio performance. The journey from this performance is to a very high degree available to read through if you start back at my 2016 posts and move forward. For many years I disclosed every single stock buy/sell that happened in the portfolio, the results can so to say be fact checked to be true (not that the performance is so outlandish that it can be trusted).

During these 9 years 129 different stocks passed through the portfolio, none of the original holdings from 9 years ago made it to the end. The oldest holding in the portfolio was HK listed Nagacorp which was held for close to 8 years. At the end of 2024 the average holding period was about 1.5 years, the total return was 207% which comes to a CAGR of 13.6% (in USD). I’m very proud of this result as my portfolio closest resembles a MSCI World ex USA portfolio, which returned only 35% in USD terms over this time period.

The “GSP Portfolio” performance is calculated as a total return NAV in USD including all trading and dividends since the blog inception (no trading fees deducted). Trades are executed at the closing prices (to simplify the NAV calculation process). The performance is including cash held, which has 0% return. The 0% return on cash roughly compensates for not deducting trading fees. The benchmarks are also calculated on a total return basis (including dividends and no fees).

I will in the future run multiple portfolios, the focus will no longer be on evaluating my overall performance but rather evaluating three separate strategies and how I perform for these three strategies. The strategies are:

  1. Healthy Stock Picks – The stock ideas for this will be presented on
  2. Non-Healthcare related holdings – They will to some degree be presented here on this blog
  3. Swing-trade ideas – Which to a high degree will be presented on this blog.

I have not decided yet if the results of those three portfolios will ever be disclosed.

Last updated 2025-01-01